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Codexpert Day Tour 2023: Exploring Zinda Park, Sonargaon Museum, and Panam City

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The sun was just beginning to cast its warm glow over the streets of Mirpur DOHS as the Codexpert team embarked on an exciting day tour on September 17, 2023. We were ready to explore the hidden gems of Dhaka with enthusiasm. Our journey would take us to Jinda Park, the Sonargaon Museum, and historic Panam City. Join us as we recount the highlights of this memorable day.

Zinda Park: A Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of Dhaka

Our day started at around 8 a.m. when we gathered at Mirpur DOHS. From there, we made our way to Zinda Park, our first stop. Nestled in the bustling city of Dhaka, Zinda Park is a hidden oasis of greenery and serenity. As we entered the park, the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of chirping birds welcomed us.

Zinda Park boasts a landscape with well-maintained gardens, a charming lake, and walking paths that invite visitors to take a leisurely stroll. We couldn’t resist taking countless photographs of the vibrant blooms and the reflection of trees in the clear waters of the lake. The park also features various sculptures and statues that add to its artistic charm.

One of the park’s standout features is the stunning Zinda Palace, an architectural masterpiece that serves as a venue for cultural events. The intricate details of the palace’s design left us in awe. We learned that Jinda Park is not only a place for relaxation but also hosts various cultural events, making it a hub of creativity and entertainment in Dhaka.

Sonargaon Museum: A Glimpse into Bangladesh’s Rich History

After our peaceful interlude at Zinda Park, we set off for the Sonargaon Museum. Located in the historic town of Sonargaon, the museum provides an opportunity to delve into Bangladesh’s rich history and culture.

The museum houses a vast collection of artifacts, showcasing the heritage of the region. As we wandered through the halls, we marveled at the traditional clothing, pottery, and ancient manuscripts on display. The exhibits vividly narrated the story of Bangladesh’s evolution over the centuries.

The highlight of our visit was exploring the reconstructed Panam City within the museum premises. It gave us a sneak peek into what our next destination, the actual Panam City, might have been like in its heyday.

Panam City: A Glimpse into Bangladesh’s Colonial Past

Our final stop on the Codexpert Day Tour was Panam City. This historical site, located in the Sonargaon area, is often referred to as the “Ghost City” due to its abandoned, dilapidated buildings from the British colonial era.

Panam City once thrived as a prosperous trading hub during the 19th century. However, over time, it was left in ruins, and today, it stands as a testament to a bygone era. Walking through the winding streets of Panam City felt like stepping back in time. The crumbling buildings, with their faded grandeur, whispered stories of the past.

Despite its decaying state, Panam City’s architectural beauty is undeniable. The intricate patterns on the facades of the buildings, the spacious courtyards, and the remnants of a once-thriving market all added to the city’s mystique.

As the sun began to set, we couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to explore such a remarkable piece of history. Panam City left an indelible mark on us, reminding us of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

Wrapping it up

The Codexpert Day Tour on September 17, 2023, was a journey of discovery and wonder. From the tranquility of Jinda Park to the historical insights gained at Sonargaon Museum and the mesmerizing time-travel experience in Panam City, the day was filled with memorable moments.

Exploring these hidden gems within Dhaka not only deepened our appreciation for the city’s heritage but also inspired us to continue our quest for knowledge and adventure. As we concluded our tour and headed back to Mirpur DOHS, we were left with a sense of gratitude for the rich tapestry of history and culture that Bangladesh has to offer.

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Nazmus Sadat

A WordPress enthusiast, content creator, and tech admirer. Loves to learn new things and help others.

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