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How to find affiliate marketers for your business

Mar 10, 2024

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Have you started an affiliate program on your store but struggling to find affiliate marketers? Worry no more, as I will show you the best practices to find suitable affiliate marketers for your product.

Affiliate marketing is undoubtedly one of the best ways to increase your revenue. If you haven’t set up your online store with an affiliate management plugin then you can do so by following the simple steps in this blog post. This blog post will show you how to create an affiliate program with a feature-enriched plugin WC Affiliate.

Now that you have your own store with an affiliate program, it’s time to search for affiliate marketers. Renowned affiliate marketers that are relevant to your market can drive a greater amount of sales if you can onboard them. Also, you can be involved in a partnership with affiliate sites that already have a lot of traffic and can send potential customers to you.

Which affiliate marketer should you reach out to

Who should you reach out to?

When starting an affiliate program first you need to know which type of affiliate marketers you should approach. There are certain types of affiliate marketers that stand out in the crowd. These types include –

  • Social media influencers,
  • Influencers in your industry,
  • Vloggers,
  • Bloggers,
  • Niche experts, and
  • Existing customers of your business.

These affiliate marketers mostly have a related audience base. Those audiences can turn out to be your loyal customers if you have a product that they might be interested in.

Steps to find affiliate marketers for your business

Well, you have a clear idea of which type of affiliate marketers should be on your priority list now. Let’s dive into the steps to find affiliate marketers for your business. Here is a list of best practices when searching for affiliate marketers –

  1. Create detailed pitches to approach affiliate marketers.
  2. Look for social media influencers.
  3. Collaborate with industry influencers.
  4. Reach out to vloggers and bloggers.
  5. Approach niche experts.
  6. Partner with affiliate networks.
  7. Send invitations to existing customers.

Create pitches to approach affiliate marketers

1. Create pitches to approach affiliate marketers

You should create several pitches to approach different types of affiliates. In these pitches, you should include some key points to make them more lucrative –

  • Product or service introduction of your products.
  • Your product rating on popular rating sites.
  • How the affiliate marketers’ audiences will be benefited from using your products.
  • The commission percentage the affiliate marketers will get for each successful sale.
  • Ask about their preferred commission amount and benefits.
  • Exceptional features that are not included in any similar products.
  • Road map to improving your products and adding new ones.

2. Look for social media influencers

After creating the pitches you can start with approaching the media influencers. At first, you need to create a list of top media influencers in your industry. Send out personalized emails or contact directly on their social media pages with your pitch.

Social media is a great source for finding influencers and related brands who can act as your affiliates. Social media influencers have a huge audience base that can help you by generating more traffic and revenue. The scope is limitless as most people today are highly engaged on social platforms. Try searching for relevant hashtags to find influencer accounts that post tutorials and product reviews in your niche. Also, you can directly search with related keywords to find their account.

Collaborate with industry influencers to make them your affiliate marketer

3. Collaborate with industry influencers

Industry influencers can promote and suggest your product and services to consumers and retailers more easily. Often they don’t have a social media account or even a blog. You can look for speakers, experts, and leaders within your industry and niche for approaching. This type of influencer has more opinion acceptability and is more trusted by others.

Before approaching them you need to make sure they have a relevant website on which they can place your affiliate link. You can also collaborate with their business or marketing team to spread the word about your product.

4. Reach out to vloggers and bloggers

Vloggers and bloggers are the talks of the town lately. They have a strong follower base on their expertise and industry. You can increase your sales significantly by reaching out to them with high-quality marketing materials.

Vloggers and bloggers are easy to find and reach out to. You can try filtering out the appropriate bloggers and vloggers for your niche on several platforms. You can find them on Medium, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. They can bring out high conversion as millions of people use these platforms daily for hours. We’re constantly on the lookout for YouTube and online content creators as we’ve found that working with them for marketing campaigns can really drive client results, according to Donald Chan, founder of Powered By Video, a leading video production agency in Singapore.

They can easily promote your product and service through social platforms. Thus, you need to make sure they are providing high-quality materials and valid information while promoting your business. The popular ones will charge you pretty high for recommending your product. If you are just starting then it’s wise to reach other influencers who are ready to work with you in your budget.

Approach niche experts to make them your affiliate marketer

5. Approach niche experts

Niche experts already have a built-in audience that trusts what they say. That’s why they are great as affiliates. They can make a handsome amount of leads if you collaborate with the appropriate niche bloggers. They will help you by recommending your product with the affiliate link on their blog posts.

Find niche bloggers who are experts in your niche. This will definitely increase your product authenticity. Also, they can make a huge rise in your revenue because their promotion will lead to a more targeted audience who are more likely to purchase your product.

6. Partner with affiliate networks

Joining affiliate networks is a great tactic to connect with relevant affiliate marketers.
These affiliate networks are designed to make it easier for brands and affiliates to find one another. Because they focus entirely on finding and recruiting affiliate marketers for brands. You will get exposure to hundreds of affiliates who can help promote your business. They also help negotiate with affiliate marketers to find a better deal for you. Such affiliate network example is Rakuten Advertising, which is one of the most popular platforms in the world.

While listing your business on affiliate networks make sure to give a clear idea of your services and products. Also, enlist a lucrative offer to stand out in the crowd. These affiliate networks have many marketers who are actively trying to join affiliate programs. So you need to be choosy when selecting the affiliates marketers. Choose the ones who have a better experience with a good track.

Send invitations to existing customers to become your affiliate

7. Send invitations to existing customers

Turn your customers into your salespeople by sending them invitations to join your affiliate program. They can serve you better as they have already used your services and products. You shouldn’t expect a huge amount of leads from them if they are not professional affiliate marketers. The sales they make will be less in number but that will eventually help you to increase your revenue.

Make sure to approach happy customers to become your affiliate. Encourage them to promote your product to their surroundings, family, and friends. Ask them to share their social profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

You can make your customers better at marketing by sending affiliate marketing and social marketing resources. Also, make sure that you have friendly and supportive customer service to sort out any customer issues.

Wrapping it up

You can onboard a quality amount of affiliate marketers on your affiliate program by following these steps. Your business will be more profitable when you make your approach appealing, offer high commissions, and set easy terms and regulations for your affiliates.

Always be mindful while choosing your affiliates. Make sure both parties have a great understanding of the terms and payout system. Help your affiliates with proper data and resources to promote your products and services more efficiently. Thus, both sides will be beneficial and grow together.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have new ideas to find affiliates. Also, feel free to ask if you have any questions. We love reading the comments and will happily get back to you.

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Nazmus Sadat

A WordPress enthusiast, content creator, and tech admirer. Loves to learn new things and help others.

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