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Activate Share Logins license

In order to use all the features of Share Logins, you must first activate the license. Activating the license is a simple process that can be done quickly. Just follow these steps and you will have it up and running in no time –

  • To begin, go to the license section of Share Logins from your WordPress admin panel.

Click on license

  • After this, you need to activate the plugin and license key.

Activate your license

  • If you are already login to Pluggable Dashboard you will be redirected here –

Plugins Purchase List

  • And if you are not already login to Pluggable Dashboard, after clicking the activate button you will be asked to sign in to the Pluggable dashboard, Use your username or email address and password that’s used to log in to the purchase account.

Login to your account

  • Click on “Activate now”.

Click on Activate Now

  • Clicking the “Active Now” button will take you to the Share Logins License page.


License Activation Screen

Congratulations! Your license for Share Logins is activated.

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